A new initiative to build a skilled workforce for agricultural employers in the Barwon South West region

In response to severe and long-term agricultural and production horticulture workforce shortages in the region and declining uptake and completion of entry level agricultural programs amongst young workforce entrants, the AgFutures project has brought together a team of 6 expert partners, with two years of government funding, to design and deliver a fit for purpose on the job training program that meets the needs of the region’s employers. 


Over two years, the AgFutures initiative will have four distinct stages, with dedicated support for employers to ensure they are playing a key role shaping the training that is needed for farms like theirs across the region.  

AgFutures Timeline

What will young people be trained to do



Young people will undertake up to 6 weeks of pre-employment program, including health and nutrition, first aid, employability skills for agricultural, life skills needed to thrive and grow in their future careers 


Accredited training  

South West TAFE will deliver the training that has been identified as core to entry level roles by local employers. This includes units on: 

  • Work health and safety 
  • Tractors, front-end loaders and quad bikes, and side-by-sides 
  • Working safely with chemicals 
  • Handling livestock 

When will young workers be farm job ready

The first cohort will commence their training in June and be job ready in July.  

Employers across the region have 5 opportunities across 2023 to sign up to take on one or more young workers.  

If you are interested in employing a worker who is job ready and has been trained specifically for agricultural work in this region, reach out to on of the AgFutures team today.

Register your interest by contacting the AgFutures Team today!